2024 Government Information Day Conference Virtual Session Records & LEUs

Recordings for the virtual GID24 sessions are now available to view on ISL’s YouTube channel. Please click the links below to view each session.

Keynote Address – Scott Matheson, Superintendent of Documents: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzuiWumB0KE

Session 1 – The ILOHI in Review: The History, Lessons, and Resources of the Indiana Legislative Oral History Initiative: https://youtu.be/TQv-TAO7o30

Session 3 – Escape Rooms, the Library of Congress, and YOU!: https://youtu.be/DQ5bWKuuTPE

Session 4 – GPO’s collaborations: Increasing access to and preservation of the National Collection of U.S. Government Public Information: https://youtu.be/AQeuguJdyKQ

For Indiana public librarians in need of Learning Education Units who attended virtual sessions at the 2024 Government Information Day Conference, below are the certificates to the virtual sessions. Please click on the link to download the Word document. If you are out of state, or require a difference continuing education form, please contact Brent Abercrombie, babercrombie@library.in.gov.

Scott Matheson – Keynote Address

ILOHI in Review

Escape Rooms, the Library of Congress, and YOU!

GPO Collaborations

For virtual attendees, please take a moment to complete this short survey on your experience attending the 2024 Government Information Day conference.