DLC Recap – Successful Transition Planning

Last week, the Federal Depository Library Program and Government Publishing Office hosted the Depository Library Council conference in Washington DC. The two and half day conference covers a variety of timely topics, issues, and policies relating to government information and FDLP/GPO. I was fortunate enough to be a presenter at this year’s conference. My talk, Making it Happen Together: Demonstrating

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GAO Watch Blog

Government Accountability Office (GAO) serves as a “fiscal watchdog” that seeks to improve the financial performance of the federal government, and ensure accountability to Congress and the American people. GAO’s provides Congress with fact-based, nonpartisan information aimed to improve the federal government’s efficiency and ensure accountability for the benefit of the country. Over the years, the agency has earned a reputation

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Starting June 30, findyouthinfo.gov officially changes to youth.gov. Youth.gov was created by the Inter-agency Working Group on Youth Programs (IWGYP) that support programs and services focusing on youth. The site is designed to engage with youth to promote change, implement evidence-based & innovative programs, and locate program funding in your local community. Explore 26 different topics, read personal accounts of

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U.S. House of Representatives: History, Art, & Archives

The U.S. House of Representatives History, Art, & Archives websites provides a wealth of information for anyone researching its history (or any U.S. Representative). The site is a collaborative project between the Office of the Historian and the Clerk of the House’s Office of Art and Archives. It contains a wide variety of information (beyond what is provided by the Biographical Directory of

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Biographical Directory of the United States Congress

For those who are researching U.S. politicians, I always recommend visiting the Biographical Directory of the United States Congress. This amazing resource is a must visit for anyone tracking down political papers (primary sources!), or obtaining a quick biography (Wikipedia typically uses this resource). Researchers can search by name, position, state, party, or year/congress. The images below was taken from

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Internal Revenue Services

It is tax season, and April 15th is just around the corner. The process of filing taxes may be unpleasant or tedious, but it does not have to be overwhelming. While many people have a negative view regarding the Internal Revenue Services, their website, https://www.irs.gov/, offers helpful guidance, information, and provides all the required forms needed to file one’s taxes. With

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The Oscars were last week, with the move “the Martian” nominated for a best picture award. The popular movie was about an astronaut surviving on the planet Mars alone. The NASA space program is featured prominently in the movie, and the government agency has actively promoted the movie and provided information regarding how the agency would handle a similar situation.

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Federal Register & Code of Federal Regulations

The Federal Register and Code of Federal Regulations are two resources that are commonly discussed jointly. The reason is that information first published in the Federal Register is later published again in the Code of Federal Regulation. In basic terms, the Federal Register is the daily journal of the U.S. Government. The Federal Register records the agencies’ proposed new rules/regulations,

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American FactFinder

Have you ever tried to find the population of city? That is a fairly easy task, as a simple search on Google can provide that information. What about finding the age, gender, or ethnicity of a particular population? How about comparing the number of males and females in the workplace of a city? Would you know where to search? The

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Capitol Hearings

With a new year comes another round of congressional hearings and policy-making. Ever wanted to know what goes on in these hearings? At Capitol Hearings, you can listen to daily congressional hearings LIVE on the web. A service provided by C-SPAN, Capitol Hearings includes an upcoming schedule of hearings (next hearing is Tuesday, January 12: Committee on Armed Services), as well

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