Federal Depository Library Conference 2020

Registration is open for the 2020 virtual Federal Depository Library Conference. The four-afternoon conference, October 20-23, is the largest annual gathering of Federal depository librarians and colleagues in the country. This year’s keynote speaker will be Mr. David Ferriero, Archivist of the United States. All afternoon sessions begin at 1 pm. Those interested in participating in a collaborative, informative, and interactive sessions presented by GPO, federal agencies, and depository library staff are encouraged to attend.
The conference is free to register. Sessions will cover GPO project updates, strategic weeding advice, remote work projects, and COVID-19 related projects and lessons. The depository library conference offers attendees opportunities to network with GPO staff and government document librarians. Some sessions are eligible for LEUs for Indiana public librarians. A preliminary schedule is available, but a detailed agenda and session handouts and slides will be made available as the conference nears.