Celebrating Constitution Day

September 17-23 is recognized as Constitution Week. Each September, Federal depository libraries across the Nation celebrate Constitution Day with special events, library displays, and promotion via library websites and social media. Constitution Day and Citizenship Day commemorates the signing of the U.S. Constitution on September 17th, 1787. While the anniversary of the signing is recognized yearly, it was not until 2004 that it was enacted an official holiday.
The Indiana State Library will have pocket Constitutions (English & Spanish language) for take, children’s activity sheets, word search print outs, and crosswords to take and enjoy. Educators looking for fun activities to help promote constitution and citizenship awareness can find a wealth of resources from government agencies like the National Archives, Department of Education or the U.S. Courts. Ben’s Guide to the U.S. Government is another excellent resource offered by GPO that helps improve government literacy. Stop by the Indiana State Library to pick up a pocket Constitution and test your knowledge on the Constitution and U.S. citizenship.
Download Constitution Day Activities
Ben’s Guide Quiz Apprentice Level Quiz and Answer Key
Ben’s Guide Quiz Journeyperson Level Quiz and Answer key (1)