Print Distribution Titles (PDT) List
Please note this information is provided by GPO. To get more information, please visit New Limited Printed Distribution page. As GPO moves to a digital Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP), GPO will reduce tangible distribution to Federal depository libraries (FDLs). The number of titles and copies available for print distribution will decrease as GPO works to deliver permanent no-fee public access to digital content for people seeking U.S. Government information. This new, limited print distribution model acknowledges the different print needs and requirements of the National Collection Service Areas (NCSAs). Cost savings on printing, postage, and processing will allow GPO’s Library Services & Content Management (LSCM) to increase investment in digital content management initiatives that serve FDLs and patrons’ Government information needs.
Please visit the Limited Distribution PDT Dashboard to find FDLP libraries with limited print titles. Below is the list of limited distribution titles from GPO (accurate as of Aug 30, 2024).