Kids Count in the 2020 Census

Kids Count in the 2020 Census by Katie Springer
As much as we’ve seen and heard so far about 2020 Census outreach, there are still parts of the U.S. population that are at risk of being undercounted. Children five years old and younger (even babies!) run the risk of not being counted, and therefore not receiving the federal and state funding for programs that serve them.
The Census Bureau encourages us to Shape Our Children’s Future. It is our civic duty to ensure that families with young children are counted, especially families especially those in other socially vulnerable groups: those who are disabled, those who describe themselves as part of a minority ethnic or racial group, and those whose health and safety depend on programs funded by federal and state dollars.
The Indiana Geographic Information Council (IGIC) hosted an Indiana SDC webinar in December, Help Kids Count in the 2020 Census, which is now available. It explains how we can look at predicted neighborhood response rates using the Census Bureau’s ROAM tool and details the Indiana counties at highest risk of being undercounted. View the presentation via YouTube from this link on the IGIC website.
The Census Bureau’s Statistics in Schools program has supported efforts to inform the public about the 2020 Census through schools. During this time of transition for schools, while most teaching and learning goes online, you can share its statistical education resources and 2020 Census resources with people who serve K-12 students and English Language Learners (ELL).
Please visit the Census in Indiana website for updates and additional outreach resources.
If you have questions about the 2020 Census or need assistance with 2020 Census outreach, please contact the Indiana State Data Center.