GPO Visits Indiana Libraries

Last week, staff from the Government Publishing Office (GPO) visited libraries from around the state. Thirty-two libraries in Indiana participate in the Federal Documents Library Program (FDLP), a program that ensures public access to information published by the federal government. The Indiana State Library serves as Indiana’s Regional Depository, which means the library collects everything published by GPO. The other thirty-one libraries are considered selective libraries, which means they select certain titles for their collections.
Outreach staff from GPO visited libraries in Indianapolis, Richmond, and New Albany to offer training and guidance for maintaining their FDLP collection. ISL Reference Librarian and Regional Depository Coordinator Brent Abercrombie accompanied GPO on their tour of libraries. The library visits provided GPO a chance to see how FDLP collections are managed and provided customized training for each individual library.
GPO provides several training sessions to better understand and utilize government information. On April 26th and 27th, GPO will be hosting their 2017 Spring Depository Library Conference. The virtual conference is free to attend. Click on this link to register for the event. Check the FDLP Webinars and Webcasts page to learn more about government topics, resources, and procedures relating to federal collections. Most of the FDLP webinars are LEU eligible, and are valuable source of information for researchers of all ages.