2024 Government Information Day Conference
Government Information Day
Government Information Day, or GID, is a free biennial conference for librarians interested in learning about government resources and improving information literacy. The conference is typically held at the Indiana State Library, and serves as an excellent networking opportunity for Indiana or government documents librarians. Indiana public librarians can also earn LEUs towards their certification for each session they attend. This year’s conference is on Friday May 17th and will be held both in person at the Indiana State Library and virtually through Zoom. All times listed are Eastern Time. Any questions? Please send them to Planning Committee Chair Brent Abercrombie, babercrombie@library.in.gov.
Click this link to download a PDF of the GID24 Conference Program.
In-Person Attendance Registration Information
Registration URL: https://indianastatelibrary.evanced.info/signup/EventDetails?EventId=3825&ln=ALL&backTo=Calendar&startDate=2024/05/01
Virtual Attendance via Zoom
The following sessions will be offered virtually through Zoom:
The ILOHI in Review: The History, Lessons, and Resources of the Indiana Legislative Oral History Initiative
Registration link: https://www.zoomgov.com/webinar/register/WN_u4qL5SGCQRGCUdEnMf4YmA
Escape Rooms, the Library of Congress, and YOU!
Registration link: https://www.zoomgov.com/webinar/register/WN_4boANdwGSRGPhOfARtZAGA
GPO’s collaborations: Increasing access to and preservation of the National Collection of U.S. Government Public Information
Registration Link: https://www.zoomgov.com/webinar/register/WN_8mpR159TQeGJpblVhQ4Prg
Keynote Address:

Scott Matheson, Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO)
This year’s Keynote Address Speaker will be Scott Matheson, Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Publishing Office. In his role, Mr. Matheson leads the agency in the modernization of the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) to provide public access to Government information published by the U.S. Congress, Federal agencies and the Federal courts. The FDLP is transitioning to a digital FDLP to deliver permanent no-fee public access to digital content and essential support services to people seeking government information. Scott will share his perspective on how the GPO and libraries are adapting to the changes in ways that the public consumes information and the evolving role of librarians and libraries in the information ecosystem. The keynote address will only be available for in-person attendance to GID24.
Conference Program
Program Titles & Descriptions (All Times Eastern Time)
Concurrent Session 1 (9:30 – 10:30 AM)
1-A. Program Title: Legal Resources Roundtable
Description: Legal research and libraries….learn the dos and don’ts of legal research, along with learning about what content is available online and to whom. Have questions ready for this question-and-answer roundtable discussion with representation from Indiana Bar Foundation, Office of Court Technology, Family Law Taskforce, and Marion County Clerk’s Office.
Presenters: Mike Commons, Indiana Bar Foundation; Gaye Lynn Strickland, Director of Case Management System, Office of Court Technology; Leslie Dunn, Family Law Taskforce, Indiana Innovation Initiative; and Jennifer Pimpton, Civil Division Director, Marion County Clerk’s Office.
1-B. Program Title: The ILOHI in Review: The History, Lessons, and Resources of the Indiana Legislative Oral History Initiative*
Description: Learn the history of the Indiana Legislative Oral History Initiative (ILOHI) from its 2017 inception to its current online archive of interviews, transcripts, and helpful oral history resources. Dr. Michella Marino will explore the lessons gleaned from over 80 interviews with former legislators and the ways in which ILOHI resources can be used in the classroom and for various educational programs. (in-person and virtual session)
Presenter: Dr. Michella Marino – Deputy Director, Indiana Historical Bureau
Virtual Attendance Registration link: https://www.zoomgov.com/webinar/register/WN_u4qL5SGCQRGCUdEnMf4YmA
Concurrent Session 2 – Keynote Address from Scott Matheson, GPO (11:00 – 12:00 PM)
Concurrent Session 3 (1:30 – 2:30 PM)
3-A. Program Title: Consumer Protection & Scam Prevention
Description: Consumer Protection & Scam Prevention Presentation will help you understand more about consumer protection and data privacy including identity theft, calls and text messages, security breaches, and some common scams as well as covering how to file a complaint with the Attorney General’s Office and the process once a complaint is filed. In addition to Consumer Protection & Scam Prevention you will also learn more about Unclaimed Property.
Presenter: Paula Copenhaver, Director of External Affairs, Office of Attorney General Todd Rokita
3-B. Program Title: Escape Rooms, the Library of Congress, and YOU!*
Description: The Indiana Young Readers Center is proud to announce new kits available for check-out to Indiana’s teachers and librarians. Indiana Escape Rooms (in a box!) focus on Indiana history, build on primary resources from the Library of Congress, and were developed with the help of a Teaching with Primary Sources Grant. Join this session to learn all about the kits, the TPS Grant, and the fantastic primary sources that await you in the Library of Congress’s collections. (in-person and virtual session)
Presenter: Suzanne Walker – Director – Indiana Center for the Book, Indiana Young Readers Center Librarian, Indiana State Library
Virtual Attendance Registration link: https://www.zoomgov.com/webinar/register/WN_4boANdwGSRGPhOfARtZAGA
Concurrent Session 4 (3:00 – 4:00 PM)
4-A. Program Title: GPO’s collaborations: Increasing access to and preservation of the National Collection of U.S. Government Public Information*
Description: The National Collection of U.S. Government Public Information is a geographically dispersed collection of Federal Government public information that is accessible to the public at no cost. No single Federal agency or library is able to preserve and provide access to this massive collection of information. The U.S. Government Publishing Office utilizes various collaborations as tools to ensure the preservation of the National Collection and its ongoing accessibility. This presentation will share a brief history of GPO collaborations, the types of collaborations, and how they help to increase accessibility to the National Collection for all users. (in-person and virtual session)
Presenter: Suzanne Ebanues – Supervisory Management Analyst, Government Publishing Office
Virtual Attendance Registration Link: https://www.zoomgov.com/webinar/register/WN_8mpR159TQeGJpblVhQ4Prg
4-B. Program Title: Behind the Scenes Building Tour
Description: Go behind the scenes at the Indiana State Library and tour the library’s closed areas. Attendees will be able to see the innerworkings of the library, including the closed stacks, vault, conservation lab, and more. Tour will take approximately 45 minutes and require walking up and down stairs.
Tour Guides: Indiana State Library staff
In-person attendees will be provided breakfast snacks and drinks from co-sponsor INDIGO. Boxed lunches from Marsha’s Catering will also be provided. Attendees will have the option to choose from: Super Sub Box Lunch, Turkey Breast Box Lunch, or Veggie Wrap. Attendees are also welcome explore lunch options on their own around the state library. Lunch period is 12:00 to 1:30 PM.
Parking at the Library
Parking is FREE!!! If you have not been to downtown Indianapolis in some time, then you may be unaware that construction of the new Indiana State Archives building on Ohio Street across from ISL in August 2023. Everyone is encouraged to park in the Senate Avenue parking garage directly across from the library. The parking garage has two entrances: on the North end off New York St. and on the East side off Senate Ave. There is currently construction on New York St., limiting the lanes from three to one. Attendees can enter the parking garage on New York St. just after crossing over the canal (when the lane expands back to three lanes) or enter on the Senate Avenue entrance. Once in the garage, use the Public lane to take a ticket when entering, and bring it into the library for validation. Ticket validation is available in the Great Hall at the Registration Table or at the Circulation Desk on the 1st floor. Attendees will also need their parking ticket to re-enter the parking garage.
Address: 361 W New York St, Indianapolis, IN 46202 or 220 N Senate Ave, Indianapolis, IN 46202