Government Information Day 2020 Registration & Presenters

Registration is now open for Government Information Day 2020. The 1-day conference will occur Thursday May 14, 2020 at the Indiana State Library. GID2020 will feature presentations on topics relating to state, federal, and census data information. During the day, there will be no-conflict opportunities for attendees to visit exhibitors’ information booths. The event is free to attend, and offers a great learning and networking opportunity for librarians, library staff, information professionals, and members of the public. Indiana public librarians can earn up to 4 LEUs toward their certification. For any questions, or requests for presentation topics, please contact Brent Abercrombie, Federal Documents Librarian, at (317) 232-3733 or
Registration URL:
GID2020 Program: Presenters, Titles, and Descriptions:
Presenter: Cheri Harris, Certification Program Director/Legal Consultant, Indiana State Library
Title: Legal Research Basics for Librarians
Description: This presentation will help you answer legal research questions from patrons and will also help you assist patrons who are doing their own legal research. Starting with an overview of different types of legal authority we will distinguish between primary and secondary authority. Then we will look at strategies and tools for finding state and federal statutes, regulations, and case law. Paying special attention to Indiana materials we will demonstrate how to use a variety of free websites to conduct legal research on-line. We conclude with tips for how to stick to conducting legal research and avoid providing legal advice.
Presenter: Charles Hyde, President and CEO, Benjamin Harrison Presidential Site
Title: Harrison’s Republic & the Spirit of Democracy
Description: “An American citizen could not be a good citizen who did not have a hope in his heart.” With this ringing invocation, the 23rd President called the United States of America to higher purpose, and helped set it on course for the modern era. While his signal leadership is under known, there is no mistaking his spirited advocacy of some of the most important policies that have come to define our country legally and spiritually over the past century. The Benjamin Harrison Presidential Site carries on this legacy in innovative, impactful, and engaging ways, with unexpected relevance to conversations our country is having today.
Presenter: Melissa Widhalm, Operations Manager, Purdue Climate Change Research Center
Title: What does climate change mean for Indiana?
Description: Our climate shapes our lives. The ways we build our roads, manage our farms, move our water, and use energy are all influenced by our unique Indiana climate. But our climate has been changing, and it will continue changing in ways that affect our productivity, our safety, and our livelihoods. We need to know what climate change means for Indiana. Led by the Purdue Climate Change Research Center, the Indiana Climate Change Impacts Assessment (IN CCIA) provides the latest scientific research to help Hoosiers understand and prepare for the impacts of a changing climate. This presentation will highlight results from the IN CCIA analysis.
Presenter: Chandler Lighty, MA, Executive Director, Claire Horton, MLIS, Deputy Director for the State Archives, and Meaghan Fukunaga, MSI, Deputy Director for Electronic Records, Indiana Archives and Records Management
Title: Hindsight is 20/20 in 2020
Description: The Indiana Archives and Records Administration turned 40 in 2019. Come hear about the current state and future plans for the State Archives. Learn about the archival collections and services, and how IARA staff can assist public library patrons with their information needs.
Presenter: Katie Springer, Data Center Librarian, Indiana State Library
Title: Introduction to the Census Bureau’s new data platform:
Description: In March of 2020, the Census Bureau’s data portal for the last few censuses, American FactFinder, will cease to exist. This means… no more long lists of complicated geographies to sort through! This also means we’ll have a brand new system to learn. The new dissemination platform is at This session will demonstrate the new platform. We will explore the new way to search for census data and learn how to filter our searches, download and modify tables, and view maps. Put on your learning caps!
Presenter: Bert Chapman, Government Information, History, and Political Science Librarian, Purdue University Libraries and School of Information Studies
Title: Publicly Available Information Resources on U.S. National Security
Description: This presentation will describe how to find and use publicly available information resources. It will stress the constitutional foundations of U.S. National security policy and present examples of U.S. national security literature through annual defense spending bills, materials from U.S. armed service branches, congressional oversight committees, and various intelligence agencies.
Presenter: Ashley Schenck and Tyler Brown, Indiana Management Performance Hub
Title: Statewide Input with Local Impact
Description: Indiana Management Performance Hub (MPH) provides analytics solutions tailored to address complex management and policy questions enabling improved outcomes for Hoosiers. We empower our partners to leverage data in innovative ways, facilitating data-driven decision making and data-informed policy making.
Presenter: Brent Abercrombie, Regional Federal Depository Coordinator, Indiana State Library
Title: How the Regional Depository Library Serves You
Description: As part of the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP), the Indiana State Library serves as the Regional Depository for the state of Indiana. Learn about how ISL works to serve Indiana libraries and residences provide access and instruction to federal government information.
GID2020 Virtual Exhibitor Fair