Constitution Day Poster Contest

ConstitutionFacts and Government Information for Children, an ALA GODORT group, are sponsoring the 14th Annual U.S. Constitution Day Poster Contest for students. The contest invites K-12 kids, including homeschoolers, to celebrate Constitution Day by designing a poster showing how they benefited from the freedoms embodied in the U.S. Constitution. Constitution Day and Citizenship Day is Sept. 17, the date the U.S. Constitution was signed in 1787.
Entries must be postmarked by Oct. 1 to be eligible. There are prizes for each grade, and each grade winner will receive a Constitution commemorative coin, with the grand prize winner also receiving a $100 cash prize. To learn more, download the poster design contest entry form.
The contest is a great opportunity to encourage students to learn about their rights as U.S. citizens. Participating in the contest can help students apply the principles of the Constitution to current events, and to encourage participation in civic events. The contest is a fun way for learn about the Constitution and visualize what the Constitution means to them. The contest is yet another example of the wealth of government information resources that is created specifically for children to help them learn about their government and how it works.