Ben’s Guide to the U. S. Government

Ben’s Guide to the U.S. Government is a K-12 interactive learning website for students, homeschoolers, parents, and educators about the U.S. government. The website is a service provided by the Government Publishing Office (GPO). It was recognized by the American Library Association as a “Great Website for Kids.” All ages, especially children, can learn how the U.S. government works. Ben’s Guide covers topics like the branches of the federal government, how laws are made, the election process, and citizenship through games and fun activities designed for kids from age 4 and up.
Children’s learning activities are broken down into age groups: Apprentice (ages 4-8), Journeyperson (ages 9-13) and Master (ages 14+). Ben’s Guide features three games: Play the States, Printable Activities (crosswords and word searches) and Branch-O-Mania. Kids complete various games and activities to improve their knowledge and understanding of civics and government. The website also includes a glossary section to help children understand government terms used, infographics, lesson plans developed by American Association of School Librarians (AASL) for educators, and a large selection of links to other educational websites for kids.
Ben’s Guide is a wonderful resource for educators wanting to teach children about our country’s founding and how the U.S. government functions. The website is another example of how GPO is raising awareness on how the government works. Please take a moment to explore this fun, interactive, and educational site. GPO welcomes any feedback, comments, or suggestions. Send any feedback to askGPO and submit under the tile “General Public” and select “Ben’s Guide to the U.S. Government” under the “Select a Category” section.